  • 职  称:教授(博士生导师)
  • 毕业学校:中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所(博士);韩国化学研究所(博士后);英国Cardiff大学(博士后);加拿大Alberta大学(访问教授)
  • 电  话:029-81530806
  • 电子邮箱
  • 研究方向:重质油加工;生物质转化;二氧化碳资源化利用


长期从事催化及炭材料的研发,在低碳烷烃转化、生物质催化转化、沥青基炭材料等方向开展了系统的研究工作。先后主持科技部基础研究重大项目前期研究专项1项,国家自然科学基金项目5项,在线赌场排名省“13115”科技创新工程重大专项1项,在线赌场排名省重点科技创新团队1项(2012),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划1项(2006);主持参与中国石油化工股份有限公司、中石化洛阳分公司、中石化茂名分公司、中石化齐鲁分公司、中石化(上海)炼销公司等委托项目6项,山西三元炭素有限责任公司项目2项,在线赌场排名煤业化工技术研究院有限责任公司项目1项,山东莱芜润达新材料有限公司项目2项,其中有3项在相关企业完成中试或工业示范。在 J Catal, Green Chem, Chem Eng J, Catal Sci Technol, Appl. Catal A, Chem Mater, J Mater Chem 等国内外学术期刊上发表研究论文120余篇;申请中国发明专利52件,获中国发明专利授权36件;主编出版高等教育出版社《在线赌场排名》和《在线赌场排名》教材2部。



1. Jifan Li, Mengjie Li, Chenxi Zhang, Chunling Liu, Rongzhen Yang, Wensheng Dong*, Construction of mesoporous Cu/ZrO2-Al2O3 as a ternary catalyst for efficient synthesis of r-valerolactone from levulinic acid at low temperature, Journal of  Catalysis 2020, 381, 163–174.

2. Jifan Li, Zhe Song, Yifeng Hou, Ziyi Li, Chunli Xu, Chunling Liu, Wensheng Dong*, Direct production of 2,5-dimethylfuran with high yield from fructose over a carbon-based solid acid-coated CuCo bimetallic catalyst, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 12481-12491.

3. Jifan Li, Lei Zhao, Juling Li, Mengjie Li, Chunling Liu, Rongzhen Yang, Wensheng Dong*, Highly selective synthesis of r-valerolactone from levulinic acid at mild conditions catalyzed by boron oxide doped Cu/ZrO2 catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General 2019, 587, 117244-117253.

4. Jie Liu, Xueqian Wang, Beibei Yang, Chunling Liu, Chunli Xu, Wensheng Dong*, Highly efficient conversion of glucose into methyl levulinate catalyzed by tin-exchanged montmorillonite, Renewable Energy 2018, 120, 231–240.

5. Gaoyuan Yang, Yihu Ke, Huifang Ren, Chunling Liu, Rongzhen Yang, Wensheng Dong*, The conversion of glycerol to lactic acid catalyzed by ZrO2-supported CuO catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal 2016, 283, 759–767.

6. Fenfen Wang, Shuai Shao, Chunling Liu, Chunli Xu, Rongzhen Yang,Wensheng Dong*, Selective oxidation of glycerol over Pt supported on mesoporous carbon nitride in base-free aqueous solution, Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 264, 336–343.
7. Fenfen Wang, Jie Liu, Hao Li, Chunling Liu, Rongzhen Yang, Wensheng Dong*, Conversion of cellulose to lactic acid catalyzed by erbium-exchanged montmorillonite K10, Green Chemistry 2015, 17, 2455–2463.
8. Yihu Ke, Xiaoxia Qin, Chunling Liu, Rongzhen Yang, Wensheng Dong*, Oxidative esterification of ethylene glycol in methanol to form methyl glycolate over supported Au catalysts, Catalysis Science & Technology 2014, 4, 3141–3150.
9. Xing Lei, Fenfen Wang, Chunling Liu, Rongzhen Yang, Wensheng Dong*, One-pot catalytic conversion of carbohydrate biomass to lactic acid using an ErCl3 catalyst, Applied Catalysis A: General 2014, 482, 78–83.
10. Fenfen Wang, Chunling Liu, Wensheng Dong*, Highly efficient production of lactic acid from cellulose using lanthanide triflate catalysts, Green Chemistry 2013, 15, 2091–2095.







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