  • 职  称:副教授(硕士生导师)
  • 毕业学校:西北大学-本科,中科院上海有机化学研究所-博士
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2003年7月毕业于西北大学化学系化学基地班,获得理学学士学位。2009年7月毕业于中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,获得理学博士学位,导师伍贻康研究员。2010年至2015年于印第安纳大学-普渡大学联合分校从事博士后研究工作,合作导师Lei Li教授。2015年8月年进入在线赌场排名在线赌场排名在线赌场排名工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,在线赌场排名省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目2项。到目前为止,在JACS,OL,JOC,Chem Eur J等学术期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。



17. Han,J.;Zhang, J.; Zhang, W.; Gao, Z.; Xu, L. *;Jian, Y.*“On water” catalytic Aldol reaction between isatins and acetophenones: interfacial hydrogen bonding and enamine mechanism.J. Org. Chem.,2019,84(12), 7642-7651.

16. Wang, Y.;Jian, Y.*;Wu, Y.; Sun, H.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, W.; Gao, Z. * “Organometallic titanocene complex as highly efficient bifunctional catalyst for intramolecular Mannich reaction”.Appl. Organomet. Chem.,2019,33:e4925.

15. Su, J.; Zhang, K.; Zhuang, M.; Ma, F.; Zhang, W.; Sun, H.; Zhang, G.;Jian, Y. *;Gao, Z.* “One-Pot Synthesis of Indoles from aniline and α, β-ynones through Iodine-Mediated transition metal free tandem aza-Michael addition/C-H functionalization.”Asian J. Org. Chem.2019,8, 482-486.

14. Zheng, S.;Jian, Y.*;Xu, S.; Wu, Y.; Sun, H.; Zhang, G.; Zhang W.; Gao, Z. * “N-Donor ligand activation of titanocene for the Biginelli reaction via the imine mechanism”.RSC Adv.,2018,8: 8657-8661.

13. Jian, Y.;Maximowitsch, E.; Liu, D.; Adhikari, S.;Li, L.*;Domratcheva, T.* Indications of 5′ to 3′ Interbase Electron Transfer as the First Step of Pyrimidine Dimer Formation Probed by a Dinucleotide Analog”.Chem. Eur. J.2017,23,7526-7537.

12. Jian, Y.;Lin, G.; Chomicz, L.; Li, L*. “Reactivity of Damaged Pyrimidines: Formation of a Schiff base intermediate at the glycosidic bond of saturated dihydrouridine”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015,137 (9), 3318-3329.

11. Jian, Y.; Ames, D. M.; Ouyang, H.; Li, L*. “Photochemical reactions of microcrystalline thymidine”, Org. Lett. 2015,17(4), 824-827.

10. Lin, G.;Jian, Y.;Ouyang, H.; Li, L*. “An unexpected deamination reaction after hydrolysis of the pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproduct” Org. Lett., 2014,16(19), 5076-5079.

9. Lin, G.;Jian, Y.;Dria, K. J.; Long, E. C.; Li, L*. “Reactivity of Damaged Pyrimidines: DNA Cleavage via Hemiaminal Formation at the C4 Positions of the Saturated Thymine of Spore Photoproduct and Dihydrouridine”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 12938-1294.

8. Ames, D. M.; Lin, G.;Jian, Y.;Cadet, J.; Li, L*. “Unusually large deuterium discrimination during spore photoproduct formation”, J. Org. Chem., 2014, 79 (11), 4843–4851. (chosen as a featured article by editor)

7. Singh, I.;Jian, Y.;Li, L.*; Georgiadis,M. M*.“The structure of an authentic spore photoproduct lesion in DNA suggests a basis for recognition”Acta Cryst.,2014, D70, 752–759.

6. Jian, Y.;Li, L*. “Chemical syntheses of oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing spore photoproduct - a special thymine dimer”J. Org. Chem.2013, 78, 3021-3029.

5. Yang, L.; Lin, G.; Nelson, R. S;Jian, Y.;Telser, J.; Li, L*. “Mechanistic Studies of the Spore Photoproduct Lyase via a Single Cysteine Mutation”,Biochemistry,2012,51, 7173–7188.

4. Jian, Y.-J.; Wu, Y.-K*. “The enantioselective total synthesis of nemotin”.Org. Biomol. Chem.2010,8, 811-821.

3. Jian, Y.-J.; Wu, Y.-K*. “Synthesis of the structure proposed for the natural allenic antibiotic scorodonin”.Org. Biomol. Chem.2010, 8(8), 1905-9.

2. Jian, Y.-J.; Tang, C.-J.;Wu, Y.-K*. ‘‘Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Phomallenic Acid C”.J. Org. Chem.2007, 72,4851-4855.

1. Jian, Y.-J.; Wu, Y.-K.*; Li, L.; Lu, J*. ‘‘An expeditious route to the antipode of harzialactone A”.Tetrahedron: Asymmetry2005,16,2649-2651.







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